World languages
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards (11 Cards)
Summer Outdoor Activities Flashcards
11 activities:
to swim
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to jump on a trampoline
to skateboard
to go fishing
to ride on a swing
to fly a kite
to slide on a waterslide
to ride a scooter
to spin a hula hoop
Christmas Word Scramble Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Scramble Puzzle with the answer key
The words used in the puzzle are:
Christmas, present, candle, pine tree, candy cane, bell, snowflake, gingerbread, ornament, Santa Claus, winter, eggnog, December, mistletoe, treat, decoration, reindeer, sleigh, turkey, stocking.
Christmas Word Search Puzzle
Christmas Vocabulary Word Search Puzzle
43 Christmas-related words to search!
Words used in the puzzle:
angel, bells, candles, candy cane, celebration, chimney, Christmas, cold, cookies, custom, December, decorations, eggnog, elf, family, fireplace, fruitcake, gathering, gift, gingerbread, hat, holiday, holly, Jesus, lights, ornaments, peppermint, pine tree, present, snow, tinsel, reindeer, snowflake, tradition, ribbon, snowman, treats, Santa Claus, star, turkey, sleigh, stockings, winter.
Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle
Irregular Plural Nouns Crossword Puzzle with answer key
Irregular plural nouns used in the puzzle are mouse / mice, wolf / wolves, leaf / leaves, die / dice, man / men, woman / women, person / people, child / children, foot / feet, tooth / teeth, ox / oxen, half / halves, wife / wives, scarf / scarves, thief / thieves, elf / elves, knife / knives, life / lives, shelf / shelves.
Estaciones, Banderines
Estaciones, Banderines
Seasons in Spanish, Pennant Banner
Saisons, Banderoles
Saisons, Banderoles
Seasons in French, Pennant Banner
L’automne, L’hiver, Le printemps, L’été
Jahreszeiten, Wimpelkette
Jahreszeiten, Wimpelkette: Herbst, Winter, Frühling, Sommer
Places in a City, Word Search Puzzle
Places in a City, Word Search Puzzle (with the answer key)
Words used in the puzzle are: Airport, Bakery, Bank, Bar, Bookstore, Bridge, Cafe, Castle, Cathedral, Church, Cinema, Dormitory, Downtown, Factory, Greengrocer, Gym, Hospital, Hotel, Kiosk, Library, Museum, Palace, Park, Pharmacy, Playground, Prison, Restaurant, School, Square, Stadium, Station, Supermarket, Theater, Tower, Zoo.
Past simple vs. Present perfect Worksheet
Past simple vs. Present perfect Worksheet (with the answer key)
Seasons, Pennant Banner
Seasons, Pennant Banner: Autumn / Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Farben, Poster
Farben, Poster
Die Farben: schwarz, weiß, grau, braun, blau, grün, rot, gelb, rosa, lila, orange.
Images used in the poster are created by macrovector / Freepik
Colors, Poster
Colors, Poster
Colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, white, black, brown, pink, gray.
Images used in the poster are created by macrovector / Freepik
Numbers (0-100), I have who has Game
Numbers (0-100), I have who has Game
30 cards with numbers between 0-100
My Body / Body Parts Worksheet
My Body / Body Parts, Worksheet (with the answer key)
The words used in the worksheet are head, hair, neck, face, chest, shoulder, arm, stomach, belly, hand, finger, leg, knee, ankle, foot, eye, ear, mouth, lips, nose, forehead, chin, eyebrow.
1- Body parts writing activity
2- Word search puzzle
3- Word scramble puzzle
Family Members Word Search Puzzle
Family Members Word Search Puzzle (with the answer key)
Family members used in the puzzle are mother, father, parents, sister, brother, siblings, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, uncle, aunt, cousin, niece, nephew, daughter, son, children, granddaughter, grandson, grandchildren, wife, husband.
DAZ/DAF Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da)
Kausalsätze (die Konjunktionen denn, weil und da) Arbeitsblatt
Causal clause in German (the conjunctions denn, weil and da) Worksheet
3 pages explanations and exercises.
Answer key’s included.
Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)
Die Tiere (Stations and Lesson Plan)
Target group: students aged 7-9*
(*This lesson plan is suitable for students aged 7-9 who have no prior knowledge of animal names in German.)
Learning Outcomes: Students can recognize and write the 6 animal names.
The animal names are “der Hund, die Katze, die Maus, der Hase, der Vogel, der Fisch.”
The lesson is student-oriented, the students have to be active. The teacher only gives instructions and helps when needed.
Students work in groups. The groups consist of 4 students. Each group completes the 1st station first and then conducts all activities up to the 6th station respectively.
The materials needed for each station should be prepared before class and the classroom should be made suitable for group work at the beginning of class. And each material should be prepared as much as the number of groups to complete the stations.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, german, Tiere, animals, activities, stations, group work.
DAZ/DAF Essen und Trinken, Wortsuchrätsel
Essen und Trinken Wortsuchrätsel (Food and drinks word search puzzle in German)
Answer key’s included.
The words used in the puzzle are:
Apfel, Käse, Ei, Brot, Pfannkuchen, Orangensaft, Milch, Kaffee, Spiegelei, Donut, Müsli, Tee, Croissant.
DAF, DAZ, Deutsch, German, Frühstück, breakfast, Wortschatz, vocabulary, food, drinks, puzzle, worksheet, printable.
DAZ/DAF Berufe Bildkarten, 44 Berufe (Professions Flashcards)
Berufe Bildkarten - Professions Flashcards
44 flashcards: Sänger/in, das Mannequin/der Dressman, Fotograf/in, Maler/in, Bildhauer/in, Keramiker/in, Ingenieur/in, Polizist/in, Chirurg/in, Arzt/Ärztin, Krankenpfleger/Krankenschwester, Kinderarzt/Kinderärztin, Saxofonist/in, Pilot/in, Maskenbildner/in, Flugbegleiter/in, Koch/Köchin, Journalist/in, Kontrabassist/in, Modedesigner/in, Pilates-Trainer/in, Schneider/in, Tierarzt/Tierärztin, Tennisspieler/in, Babysitter/in, Kameramann/-frau, Politiker/in, Handwerker/in, Lehrer/in, Chemiker/in, Architekt/in, Tänzer/in, Gitarrist/in, Geiger/in, Harfenist/in, Dirigent/in, Sekretär/in, Floristin, Apotheker/in, Obst- und Gemüsehändler/in, Metzger/in, Kassierer/in, Fischhändler/in, Kellner/in.
*DAZ, DAF, Deutsch, German, Vocabulary, Wortschatz, Berufe, Professions
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Word Search Puzzle
Answer key’s included.
The words used in the puzzle are: Brom Bones, Brom Van Brunt, Cotton Mather, Daredevil, ghosts, Gunpowder, hauntings, Ichabod Crane, Katrina Van Tassel, legend, mystery, pumpkin, schoolmaster, Sleepy Hollow, Tarry Town, the Headless Horseman, the Hudson River, the Revolutionary War, the Van Tassel farm, Washington Irving, witchcraft.